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Class of 2025 - Application Deadlines
Part One: Profile and Eligibility Screen by Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Part Two: Full Application by Thursday, January 30, 2025 and Zoom Intake Interview by Thursday, February 13, 2025
Must be resident of Indian River County
Must have financial need and desire and ability to succeed
Applying For Scholarship Foundation Award - FAQ
Where can I get help completing all these forms?
WE ARE HERE TO HELP! We realize that properly completing all the financial aid forms and applications can be daunting, especially if you are the first in your family to go to college. It is very important that you and your parent(s) ask for help before you become discouraged or overwhelmed. We also know that you can't always get in to see a guidance counselor on short notice during the busiest time of the year. Feel free to call us or to stop by the Scholarship Foundation office, and we will work with you to help resolve whatever issues you are having. We want you to succeed!
Can I apply if my GPA or scores are below your requirements?
No, unfortunately your transcripts and score reports must show GPAs and test scores meeting our critiera. Exception: We will consider scores for testing dates already taken and where scores are available soon after our deadline. If this applies to you, submit existing scores by the deadline and updated reports when you receive them.
How do I know if I meet the Bright Futures requirements?
Bright Futures updates their requirements periodically. Go to the Bright Futures website to see the current hurdles. Your guidance counselor can help you understand what award you are qualified for.
How do I submit my Scholarship Foundation application?
You will submit your application through our online application portal. See the requirements and process for applying on our How to Apply page on our website.
How does Scholarship Foundation calculate UNMET need?
We use a method similar to that used by many colleges and universities. We subtract your Available Financial Resources from your school's Cost of Attendance (COA). The resources available to you, which we subtract from your COA, include: your Student Aid Index (SAI) calcuated by the FAFSA and the grants and scholarships you will be receiving from the government, your school, and any other sources.
I am having trouble getting my FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS)? Do I have to submit by your deadline?
If you are having trouble getting your printing your FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS), call our office, and we will help you see what the problem is. You need to save your FSS as a pdf and upload it into our Application Portal by the deadline for your Full Application. Don't wait til the last minute to sort out any issues. We encourage all students and families to get their FSA IDs ahead of the opening of the FAFSA system and gather your required financial information so you'll be ready to apply when the system opens.
What if I will not be able to attend the Awards Ceremony in May?
An invitation to the Scholarship Foundation Awards Ceremony in May indicates that we plan to offer you an award. All applicants who are invited must attend the ceremony in order to be eligible to receive their award. If you will not be able to attend the ceremony, for any reason, you will not be eligible to receive an award. We will not make any exceptions.
How do you determine the size of your awards?
Our awards are designed to meet a percentage of a student' UNMET NEED. The percentage will depend upon our total funding and our assessment of the strength of the student's application compared to the rest of our applicant pool.
Can I attend any school with a Scholarship Foundation award?
Yes. Although many of our recipients choose to attend Florida schools because of their lower tuitions, we have recipients attending colleges and universities across the country. Students are encouraged to explore a range of schools that will meet their interests at a cost they can afford.
I have applied for a Richardson scholarship. Do I have to attend a Student and Parent interview?
Yes, all scholarships awarded through Scholarship Foundation, including Richardson Scholar awards, are based upon financial need as well as an evaluation of your readiness to succeed in college based on the information you submit and our interviews.
How long will the Student and Parent interview take?
Approximately 20 minutes, which includes an interview with you about your high school experience and your college goals and a discussion about how you plan to pay for your chosen college. Interviews are held via Zoom, and you will need to have one or both parents sit in with you. They can call in from a separate location, if needed.
When will I find out whether I am receiving an award?
We make award decisions by the beginning of May, and we notify prospective recipients via an invitation to our Awards ceremony. You will receive this invitation by email and mail at least a week before the ceremony. Remember, you must attend the ceremony to be eligible for an award.
If I am selected, when will I receive my first scholarship check?
Checks for the first semester of classes (one-half of the annual award amount) will be available in early August. The exact date will be provided in your award letter. Students may pick up their checks at that time if they have provided all the required paperwork, including their fall schedule of classes as proof of enrollment. Checks are payable directly to the student, not to the school and may be used for tuition, housing, books, etc.
Quick Links
SFIRC Applications FAQ
Bright Futures Requirements
Financial Aid FAQ

Want More Info? Need help with the FAFSA? Contact our office if you have questions or need help!
Application Calendar: Class of 2025
Aug - Sept: Create your FSA ID. You and your parent(s) (and step-parent, in some cases) will need to have an account with the FAFSA system in order to apply. Get these now.
Oct 1: CSS Profile system opens. This application is required for many private colleges.
October - March: Priority financial aid deadlines for many Florida schools. These have gotten earlier, so check with your schools. Some financial aid is first-come-first-served, so be sure to meet your school's priority deadline.
Nov 1: Scholarship Foundation Application opens.
Nov 8: Registration deadline for December 14th ACT (November 22 late registration deadline)
Nov 22: Registration deadline for December 7nd SAT (November 26 late registration deadline)
Dec 1: FAFSA will open. [It will open for test sites starting Oct 1, but promises to be fully operational by Dec 1.] Complete application ASAP. It uses your "Prior prior" year tax return information, so there's no reason to wait. Example: The 2025-2026 FAFSA will use information from your 2023 tax returns.
Dec 1: Bright Futures registration opens
Jan 3: Registration deadline for February 8th ACT. If you wish to use scores from this test to qualify for a Scholarship Foundation award, you must upload your registration for this test when you complete your Eligibility screening form.
January 15: Scholarship Foundation Eligibility Screen due. Only those who meet this deadline can proceed with their Full Application.
January 30: Scholarship Foundation Full Application Deadline
February 13: Scholarship Foundation Intake Interview appointments must be completed.
March: Scholarship Foundation Student and Parent interviews will be scheduled for eligible applicants. Applicants will receive an email with scheduled date and must confirm or request a change via our Application Portal.
March TBD: Scholarship Foundation Student and Parent interviews; School Decision information and documents must be submitted via our Application Portal by this time
April TBD: Interviews for Richardson finalists
Early-May: Invitations to Scholarship Foundation Awards Ceremony emailed and mailed
May 12: Scholarship Foundation Awards Ceremony at Sebastian River HS (attendance required for invited recipients)